10 on 10 April

This past weekend was a whirlwind. All centered around Idina Menzel.

Also known as Adele Dazeem according to John Travolta. Elsa according to every child under 8.

The opening of her Broadway show If/Then brought together friends from all over the country and Canada. Friends who hadn’t seen each other in years. Friends who hadn’t yet met.

From photo walks to first time Central Park visits. From space elevators to personalized M&Ms. From Staten Island Ferries to celebrity spotting.  From going backstage to being on a Broadway stage.

I am truly grateful for this wonderful group of friends.












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Denise - What beautiful pictures! It looks like you had a great weekend.

LeolaK - Great images Valena!!! You have such a great eye for things! Idina rocks! So jealous you met her!

Heather Brantingham - Love them Valena! You have such a good eye for lines and cool composition.

Christy W. - Looks like a great time and I absolutely love that city scape that is gorgeous!

Heather - Wonderful night shots!

Shebli Nikkole - Ahhh! I love love love the bubble photos!

Nicole C - Sounds like a great weekend! That is an gorgeous picture of NY at night. It’s always nice to make new friends.

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